1-1/2 hours of arguing about "Transparency" gets pretty heated. You can tell Mr. Graper did not like the idea of losing his power. What is the City Council really Governing if the Board of Works has control over the finances? THANK YOU Dawn Stokes, Carol Drasga & Laura Sauerman for your efforts to see what contracts the City has been rubber stamping and bringing attention to this. I will be requesting the attorneys contracts as well....although I do not
Residents of Crown Point, Indiana speak out about transparency within the city, residents voiced their concern over Pete Land receiving campaign donations in 2024 for several non-profit 501(c)3 organizations such as Cal Ripken Baseball donating $4700, Crossroads YMCA donating $1800, American Legion Post 20 donating $750, and DAV Indiana Chapter 80 donating $750. Residents stated Pete Land should return those as they are in direct violation of IRS 501(c)3 tax-exempt status of those charities.
Watch city attorney Alex Kutanovski try to pontificate his way out of not being transparent with the council or citizens about his involvement in real estate transactions in our city. Truly hilarious to watch him lose it and go full courtroom press spewing "legalese" at everyone in hopes it would shield him. I want to thank Councilman Scott Evorik for supporting government transparency. It's the key to public trust in government.